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The first virtual produced by Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office went off with a BANG! The June 9th event, Atlantic EVOLVE 2021, was a tremendous success and saw over 600 attendees join the different sessions throughout the event. Evolve 2021 brought our Managed IT and Document Management teams together to present a jam packed agenda of expert panel discussions, captivating presentations and an enlightening client spotlight as we focused on a holistic approach to your organizations cyber security as well as launching your digital transformation to automate your office workflows to drive efficiency and send your productivity to the next level!



The morning session began with Mark Phander, Senior Risk Analyst with CBIZ Borden & Perlman and his presentation: The straight talk on cyber security: What you NEED TO KNOW. Mr. Phander opened our eyes to the different risks and the key reasons behind the need for cyber security insurance as we see more and more attacks target companies of all different sizes and in all different markets.

WATCH: Mark Phander – The straight talk on cyber security: What you NEED TO KNOW

When viewing the recorded sessions; to help you navigate through the event content, you may click the bookmark bullets on the timeline to help you skip to any specific session


ATO’s very own, Kia Robinson, lead the next session; an expert panel discussion which discussed the holistic approach to cyber security. Panelists Tami Beach, Head of Channel Sales with HP, Roger Grimes, Data-driven security evangelist from KnowBe4, Mark Phander, and Harry Srolovitz,  Manager of Customer Security & Guidance with ATO, brought their in-depth expertise and collective understanding together to dive into topics such as organizations vulnerabilities to cyber attacks brought on by remote work settings and the necessary steps to take to make sure sensitive data is protected.

WATCH: A holistic approach to cyber security – An expert panel discussion

When viewing the recorded sessions; to help you navigate through the event content, you may click the bookmark bullets on the timeline to help you skip to any specific session



The afternoon session kicked off with Patti Kanner, Managing Partner of Document Management Solutions with Atlantic, being joined by Jim Roberts, President of Docuware and Tami Beach of HP to breakdown what a Digital Transformation meant to them. They broke down what their organizations have seen in their very own digital transformation process and how they have been able to utilize technology to help foster that transition. Both, Roberts and Beach give great insight as to how a need for a digital transformation, brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, was accelerated and how they have leveraged that throughout their teams as well as for themselves, professionally.

WATCH: A panel discussion on Digital Transformation

When viewing the recorded sessions; to help you navigate through the event content, you may click the bookmark bullets on the timeline to help you skip to any specific session


The event wrapped up with an incredibly valuable session. Brian Berger, CFO of Case Paper and Ken Siletski, VP of Finance for Hatch Collection joined our event to talk about how they have both successfully partnered with Atlantic to implement a Document Management solution within their organizations. The two guests give different perspectives on how they have each come to utilize the technology with Brian’s partnership being relatively new and just now beginning to sink his teeth into the details of how wide-ranging the solutions can be. Whereas Ken has introduced a DMS process in multiple companies throughout his career and continues to look for different ways where an automated workflow can improve efficiency.

WATCH: Document Management Client Spotlight

When viewing the recorded sessions; to help you navigate through the event content, you may click the bookmark bullets on the timeline to help you skip to any specific session