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Among all the meetings, deadlines, and unexpected to-do’s, unnecessary printing goes unnoticed in the background, leaving a substantial environmental and financial impact. According to Formstack, every year Americans use an astounding 31.5 million tons of paper, with much of it being printed, read briefly, and discarded. Requiring 535 million trees per year and 12 billion gallons of oil, this level of paper consumption contributes to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and significant operational costs for businesses. But is there a way to optimize print processes and reduce this impact? The answer is yes, through Managed Print Services (MPS).

Managed Print Services are a game-changer for businesses looking to make print practices more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective. Let’s dive into how Managed Print works and explore some surprising facts about the impact of printing on the environment and your bottom line.

How Managed Print Can Help

Managed Print Services (MPS) refer to a suite of solutions that streamline a business’s print operations. By assessing, managing, and optimizing a company’s print environment, Managed Print reduces unnecessary printing and associated costs including maintenance repairs and supply replenishment. MPS providers monitor print usage, track device performance, and offer predictive maintenance to prevent breakdowns, all while improving document security and reducing waste.

One of the primary goals of MPS is to help businesses achieve a balance between their printing needs and sustainability goals. This service can involve anything from installing energy-efficient devices to setting default print settings that minimize ink and paper use. By implementing a Managed Print strategy, businesses gain insight into their print usage, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that significantly cut costs, save time, and decrease their environmental footprint.

Investing in a new print strategy can be difficult for many businesses, especially when unnecessary printing habits often go undetected. Here are five print facts that might give you the push you need to rethink your print strategy. 

5 Staggering Facts About Your Print Impact

Even with more digital solutions on the market, office printing is a high priority for businesses – and a costly one. Here are five staggering facts that reveal the extent of printing’s impact on the environment and your bottom line:

Fact #1: The average lifespan of a printed page is 5 minutes

Shockingly, the majority of printed documents are only viewed once before they’re tossed. According to Office Tech Insider, a printed page typically has a lifespan of just five minutes. When your business focuses on sharing or sending documents electronically, you minimize the waste you generate, lower your carbon footprint, and save money.

Fact #2: 20% of all printed documents are left in the output tray

Roughly 20% of all printed documents never make it to their intended recipient. Instead, they’re left sitting in output trays or recycled immediately. Not only is this wasteful, but it’s also a potential security issue. Sensitive information such as insurance documents, billing information, or business strategies could easily end up in the wrong hands. 

Fact #3: The average office worker prints 10,000 pages annually

Ten thousand pages per person per year translates to around $725 per employee annually. In many businesses, print-related expenses are one of the top three operational costs after payroll and rent. That’s why cutting down on unnecessary prints is key to generating substantial savings.

Fact #4: Printing in color costs 510X more than printing in black and white

Color printing is an especially costly habit, mainly due to the complex ink formulations needed to produce high-quality color prints. This is why color ink cartridges are significantly more expensive than black and white ones. By choosing black and white print settings for most documents, businesses can dramatically lower print supply costs and support a greener, sustainable office. 

Fact #5: 17% of printed pages are never used

Between a document’s 5-minute lifecycle and the fact that 17% of all printed documents are never even used, businesses have more than enough evidence to improve their print strategy for their budget and for the environment. When you implement digital alternatives and selective printing, businesses can reduce print volumes by over 30%, leading to an improved bottom line and minimal environmental footprint.

These are only five facts about the print industry that reflect a very small piece of the puzzle. Unnecessary printing can also significantly affect a business’s energy efficiency, productivity, and housekeeping habits such as recycling. To better understand your print posture, start with a print assessment from a Managed Print provider. Doing so will show you the truth behind your business’s print behavior and help you develop a strategy that improves your bottom line and environmental impact. 

The Environmental Impact of Print and Its Effect on Your Bottom Line

Printing has a substantial impact on both the environment and your business’s finances. When you consider the resources required to produce, ship, and dispose of paper, the environmental toll is clear. Manufacturing paper consumes millions of trees and billions of gallons of water each year, contributing to deforestation, habitat loss, and pollution. Toner cartridges, often made from non-recyclable plastic, also end up in landfills where they can take up to 1,000 years to decompose.

For businesses, these environmental costs translate directly into financial costs. From paper and toner expenses to maintenance and energy consumption, unnecessary printing drains resources that could be better invested into business strategy or operations. Through the implementation of Managed Print Services, companies can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also achieve cost savings by curbing their wasteful practices.

Next Steps

Now we know that reducing unnecessary printing benefits both the planet and your profitability. Taking steps to minimize waste, manage print resources, and improve document handling can drive sustainable growth and significant cost savings. Here are some next steps to consider:

  • Assess Your Print Environment: The first step is understanding the state of your print environment. This includes reviewing your print needs, identifying where waste occurs, and where digital solutions can replace paper-based processes. Working with a Managed Service Provider can help you uncover print patterns that may go unnoticed by your teams. 
  • Contact a Managed Service Provider (MSP) for MPS: Partner with an MSP that offers Managed Print Services to evaluate your current print setup, implement optimization strategies, and monitor usage for ongoing efficiency. This is not only the easiest way to improve your print posture, but it’s also the most cost-effective option as MPS providers typically offer affordable equipment for your budget and single invoices per pay period.
  • Trade in for New, Energy-Efficient Technology: Outdated copiers and printers can drain more energy and resources than modern, sustainable alternatives. When you trade in your old equipment, you’ll get access to the latest technology such as cloud storage, mobile printing, and data security. Plus, when you partner with an MSP, you can find the best printer within your budget. 

By adopting sustainable print practices and leveraging the expertise of Managed Print Services, you’ll be well on your way to creating a greener, more cost-effective workplace.

About Atlantic, Tomorrow’s Office

Atlantic is an award-winning office technology and IT solutions company providing Imaging Products, IT Support, Document Management, Cybersecurity and Managed Services to small and large companies in the New York City metropolitan area, and the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware Valley.

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