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Cybersecurity Services

Is Your Business Prepared for a Cyberattack?

How We Help

Enjoy peace of mind protection with our comprehensive approach to design, implementation and management of our curated cybersecurity tech stack.

Whether your organization is looking to implement a cybersecurity strategy for the first time, or you want to improve your current strategy to comply with new laws and regulations, we can help.

It’s not about if, but when your company will face a cyber threat.

Common Cybersecurity Challenges We Solve

Web Security

Embrace Cloud-Delivered Solutions. Traditional security’s static scores are insufficient against sophisticated attacks. Diverse, siloed products limit effectiveness. Switching to cloud-delivered security enhances defenses, with DNS monitoring reducing blind spots for stronger network protection.

Security Architecture & Infrastructure

Redefining Firewalls: Adapt to Cloud and BYOD Era. With applications in the cloud and BYOD, traditional firewalls fall short. Transitioning to multiple micro-perimeters and integrating physical and virtual solutions is key for consistent policies and unified threat management.

Data Security

Shield Your Business. Covering all scenarios from natural disasters to cyber-attacks, disaster planning prevents data loss and operational downtime. A robust defense strategy is crucial to protect data, reputation, and business continuity against any catastrophe.

End-User Training

Employees as the Front Line. No organization is immune to cyberattacks, with employees often being the weakest link in IT security. Integrating them into your detection and prevention strategy is essential, educating them against manipulation tactics like phishing and ransomware. With 75% of IT professionals fearing cyberattacks, assessing your business’s security readiness is critical.

Threat Intelligence

Cloud-Based Solutions: The dynamic nature of today’s cyber threats renders traditional, static antivirus solutions less effective. Our cloud-based solutions enable rapid, real-time updates, crucial for modern malware detection.

Endpoint Security

Protecting Beyond Firewall. Essential for devices like laptops, smartphones, and servers connecting remotely, endpoint security protects against external threats bypassing internal networks. It involves real-time, multi-region defenses against ransomware, phishing, and modern threats, ensuring the safety of critical systems and data.

Email Protection

Email Security: Email is the primary vector for ransomware, phishing, and data theft, often leading to extensive financial and data loss. Atlantic protects your email infrastructure, shielding users, data, and your brand from sophisticated cyber-attacks.

Security Operations & Incident Response

The Role of Security Specialists. In any industry, monitoring systems for threats is crucial. Building a team of certified security specialists enhances your capacity to detect and respond rapidly to cyber threats. These experts scrutinize network, server, endpoint, and system activities for anomalies, ensuring accurate identification, analysis, defense, investigation, and reporting of potential security incidents.

Identity & Access Management

A Critical Weakness in Data Protection. Password-related breaches are a top cause of data loss, with password security being a vulnerable authentication method. Yet, it remains widely used for protecting vital corporate data. Robust authentication is crucial, allowing only verified users access to networks, systems, databases, and services, ensuring network security.

Don’t Let Gaps in Your Cybersecurity Affect Your Business


is the average cost of cybersecurity data breach.


of data breaches are caused by an employee’s mistake.


of companies report more cyber attacks since enabling remote work.


of employers report a shortage of cybersecurity skills.


of small businesses don’t have a disaster recovery plan.

Ways We Help

Atlantic’s Cybersecurity Solutions Help…

  • Automatically Update Software
  • Cloud Security 
  • Endpoint & Web Security
  • Automatically Detect Suspicious Activities
  • Proactive Responses
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Email & Phishing Awareness
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery Planning
  • 24/7/365 Support

Don’t Take Our Word For It!

Find out why our clients choose Atlantic

BrianGeneral Manager

AndrewAssociate Commissioner

JohnOffice Services Manager
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Partner with Atlantic

We are committed to protecting your organization against even the most advanced cyber threats. Our technology solutions will improve your threat detection, response, and recovery plan, protecting your company’s confidential information and reputation.

Mitigate your risks with our experienced team of cybersecurity specialists that will help you create, deploy and manage a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to protect your business.

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