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Data Security

Disasters of all kinds cause downtime that is damaging to a business

Disaster planning must encompass disasters of all types and sizes: fires, floods, fraud, ransomware, cyber-attacks, power or IT system failure, human error, acts of terror, and other unthinkable scenarios.

While the type of disaster varies, the impact is typical: data and operational downtime that is truly disastrous.

The devastating effect of downtime caused by disaster include irreparable damage to data, reputation, customer relationships, income, and business vitality.

The best offense is a good defense; you must protect your business by understanding your vulnerabilities, safeguarding against the risks, and preparing for the worst possible business disruption with a plan for business continuity and disaster recovery that will shield your data, protect your business, and keep your systems available and reliable no matter what happens.

Employee confused by lock on secure computer

The Challenge

For small business owners, formulating a backup and disaster recovery plan is one of those all-important tasks that often gets put on the back burner for any number of reasons.  However, the following shocking statistics should make business owners pause and rethink the importance of having an effective backup and disaster recovery plan in place.

The Issues:

  • 80% of businesses suffering a major disaster go out of business in 3 years
  • 40% of businesses that experience a critical IT failure go out of business in 1 year
  • 36% of SMBs don’t have an incident response plan for responding to data breaches and cyber attacks
  • Ransomware attacks caused an average of 16.2 days of downtime
  • Companies that aren’t able to resume operations within 10 days of a disaster are not likely to survive
  • 75% of small businesses do not have a disaster recovery plan in place (Nationwide)
  • Nobody ever suspects the office printer – Ponemon Institute reports that 60% of companies surveyed had a data breach involving printers

The Solution

Protect Data No Matter Where It Lives

A holistic, integrated disaster recovery plan that is reliable, simple, and quick. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offers a disaster recovery plan that is visible, scalable, and affordable.

Business-critical data, systems, desktops, servers, and the entire infrastructure must be protected and recoverable.

With secure local virtualization solutions, if disaster strikes, your entire infrastructure (physical or virtual) is virtualized instantly, empowering you to continue your business operations without losing any data, incurring any damage, or experiencing any downtime.

Cloud protected network storage platform

  • Unified Continuity

    Smart BCDR solutions that back up data to secure Cloud and easily recover a lost file or an entire business infrastructure in minutes
  • File Backup & Sync

    Seamlessly collaborate in real-time, back up, and restore work without sacrificing security, power, or simplicity
  • Networking

    Eliminate downtime and costly business interruptions with always-on networking managed from anywhere
  • Business Management

    Managed single pane of glass helps business operate efficiently

The Results

It’s not always possible to prevent a cyberattack, natural disaster, technical malfunction or human error, but you can protect your business from costly data loss by investing in a solution that aids in data backup and disaster recovery.

  • Ransomware Protection
  • Fast Recovery
  • Efficient Data Protection
  • Peace of Mind

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