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Want to Reduce Your Print Spending? Here are 4 Proven Tips!

Want to Reduce Your Print Spending? Here are 4 Proven Tips!

Print is a necessary function for many businesses – but it can be a costly one. Print budgets must account for equipment, power usage, and supplies, but there are also the hidden costs of productivity and efficiency. Here are four tips to help you identify problem areas and curb your print spending.

  1. Go Paperless – Many times, the easiest way to save money is by printing fewer documents. This saves on energy and supplies and can also boost your productivity. Automated workflows can make your work more efficient, while less printing saves money and increases security. Taking the time to design a document management protocol that reduces printing can have multiple benefits for your company.
  2. Replace Old Equipment – Old printers typically use more energy, run more slowly, break down more often, and require costly repairs. By switching to newer printers, you can eliminate these problems and take advantage of energy-saving print settings. While it is an initial investment, upgrading old equipment can save you significant money in the long run.
  3. Streamline Supply Purchasing – Uncoordinated supply purchasing across an organization can cost you significantly. Excess supplies must be stored, and can even expire before being used, while running out can mean a halt to your business until the new supplies arrive. By appointing a point person to take charge of all supply purchasing you can eliminate these issues. Bulk supply purchases can also save you money with volume discounts.
  4. Identify Problem Areas – Typically, there are a few areas in a print environment that frequently cause problems. A Managed Print Services provider can conduct an assessment of your print environment that will help to pinpoint these issues and will develop solutions to fix them. When you prevent the most common frustrations, you can speed up your overall print environment, minimize downtime and reduce the number of print-related IT calls you make.

Print may be a necessary expense, but it doesn’t have to be an uncontrollable expense. By using these tips you can reduce your print spending, while also enjoying other benefits for your business.


Atlantic, Tomorrow's Office
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